Thursday, December 14, 2006

Gannett threatens reporters union

In Indianapolis, the company apparently wants its editorial workers to write advertisements that look like news articles, what are called "advertorials."

If it doesn't get the answer it wants from the Newspaper Guild, Gannett says it will take work away from union members and prevent them from working on its new "Information Center."

This doesn't have a direct effect in Oshkosh, since the Northwestern's newsroom is not unionized. But it's scary that Gannett doesn't see the danger in blurring the line between news and advertising.

Or maybe it's just scary that Gannett no longer sees the need to pretend to respect the line between news and advertising.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So few lines are observed in these times. Ergo the Administration PAYING journalists and pundits for their support on touchy issued. No doubt it was touching and productive for a black commentator to espouse the cause of school vouchers...but his greenback motivation was certainly out of line.

The Gannett gambit is but the further erasing of lines that have more or less guided us for, lo, these many years. It is also part of the "fool the fools" campaign being mounted on so many fronts.

Nevermind the Truth.

Just take a look at the Canadian Broadcast news. It is solemn and straightforward. The reporters do not giggle and "Gee Whiz!". They simply report in what seems to be, night after night, a truly fair and balanced manner.

Then look at Fox (for a few minutes if you can abide it that long). The newscasters commonly announce their next story "after the break" with such statements as "This is going to make your blood boil!".

Ever so, and not so, subtly they attempt to FORM your response. They TELL you you are going to be outraged, annoyed, upset. They ENTICE you toward their desired reaction. They FORM their news into your consciousness. "Fair and balanced" is but another way of saying "Come into my parlor". We are the fly. They are the spider.

The present generation knows little else.

Now the papers, long a bastion of ethical behavior, see their revenue falling. Apparently they have joined the battle. Instead of maintaining their standards Gannett has, apparently, decided to go TV "news" one better. It is both disgusting and embarrassing. Shame is pretty much a casualty of the times. It is sorely missed.

My impression is that AlQeada is really superflous. We need no one to take us down. We are doing quite well all by ourselves.

"Now, what about Anna Nicole's baby? Has anyone seen any more of Brittany? Just how much does that Chia Pet sell for?"

2:09 PM  

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