RIP: Jacques (the Shock)
It's hard to describe in words the death of the family pet.
We called him Jacques (named after the French philosopher Maritain), and we had him for 14 years.
He had slowed considerably in recent months, and so we knew this was coming.
In many ways, he was the classic bad dog: tipping over the kitchen garbage, barking at the neighbors, sneaking out an open gate every chance he got, stealing Christmas chocolate.
But he had that canine way of charming, soothing, comforting.
He could always make you feel better, which is why we called him "Prozac on paws."
We share your pain, we lost our beloved Alibi in June. She was a faithful cocker companion for nearly 12 years. Remember "All Good Dogs go the Heaven" Our Synpathy.
Only those that had and lost a K9 will know what you are feeling. Dogs give unconditional love.
My sympathy on your loss.
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